
Keeping Pets Safe Over the Holidays: A Summer Guide for New Zealand Pet Owners
Holiday Pet Safety Tips
Keep your pets safe and happy this festive season with our essential summer guide! From foods to avoid (like Christmas cake and ham) to heat and car travel tips, we've got everything you need for a stress-free holiday with your furry friends.
Keep your pets safe and happy this festive season with our essential summer guide! From foods to avoid (like Christmas cake and ham) to heat and car travel tips, we've got everything you need for a stress-free holiday with your furry friends.

Is Foot Odour a Sign of Illness?
Discover the link between foot odour and potential health issues in our latest blog, 'Is Foot Odour a Sign of Illness?' Explore the causes and learn why persistent odour might signal an underlying problem. Dive into effective solutions, including Odorex Foot and Shoe Deodoriser, a dual-action product designed to absorb sweat and eliminate the bacteria and fungi responsible for odour. Say goodbye to embarrassing foot odour and hello to healthier, happier feet with Odorex – the ultimate solution for dry, fresh-smelling feet and shoes.

What a Podiatrist Does and Why You Should See One
Taking care of our feet is often overlooked, yet they are the foundation of our entire body. Podiatrists specialize in diagnosing, treating, and pr...

Embrace a Greener Clean with New Home Cleaning Products!
Introducing Green Kleen Natural Home Cleaning Solutions a range of 99% natural, eco-friendly and effective cleaning products proudly made in NZ with locally sourced ingredients. Make the switch to NZ made natural cleaning products today!

Are You and Your Pet Prepared for Disaster?
Tips for pet owners so they can ensure that both they and their pets stay safe during times of emergency.

Puppy Grooming And Odour Neutralising - The What, When and How
We sought advice from some of NZ’s top dog grooming experts for all your puppy grooming and odour neutralising questions. Here’s what they had to say:

How To Stop Smelly Feet And Keep Them Healthy Instead!
How can you stop smelly feet and keep those tootsies healthy? Well, it’s all about the proper care and attention. So, let’s dive into that right now.

Top Boat Cleaning Tips For An Odour Free Boat This Summer
We’ve got you covered with all our best boat cleaning tips to keep your boat smelling sweet this summer and beyond. Read on to find out what they are:

Hot Spring Cleaning Tips For Your Home
With our hot spring cleaning tips and range of cleaning and deodorising solutions, your home will be smelling sweet and looking sparkling in no time.

Why Doesn't My UV Black Light Make Pet Urine Glow?
The Odorex Pet Urine Stain Detector will significantly speed up the cleaning process and save you time, energy, and money. Here we help you better understand how the UV Blacklight works to detect pet urine and how to use it properly.

How does Odorex Work To Eliminate Pet Odours Like Dog and Cat Pee?
If your cat or dog has peed in or around your house the odour can quickly become unpleasant and embarrassing. You want to ensure you eliminate the pet odour as soon as you can. But how exactly does Odorex work to eliminate dog and cat pee? What is the science behind the Odorex formulations?

Why is hand sanitiser so expensive?
Prior to lockdown there was a huge demand for hand sanitiser and some folk stockpiled sanitiser to protect themselves from coronavirus. This led to...